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Exercise + Fitness Equipment

Effective fitness and sports activities provide for the availability of various equipment. It is used to work out the muscles of the whole body and increase the convenience, efficiency, or safety of training. Properly selected fitness and exercise equipment will help athletes maintain excellent physical shape and achieve high results. Fitness and exercise items allow you to progress and perform various activities that can and should be alternated. Also, fitness equipment for training makes it possible to practice almost anywhere and you will not be tied to the gym. The team of Domesca online store has done everything possible to make you satisfied with the range of products and choose the right sports and fitness equipment for you. To date, the range of sports equipment is so large that there should be no problems with the choice.  Check out the Domesca catalog and you'll be surprised how many useful sports products you can find and buy today.

Fitness and home exercise equipment can be divided into several divisions. The first is an inventory based on extra weight. This group of equipment includes dumbbells, kettlebells, barbells, and weights for legs and arms. The load is provided through the use of additional weight, and it is obvious that the greater the weight of the inventory, the greater the load.  The most common equipment in this group is dumbbells. This type of fitness equipment appeared in ancient Greece. Its use was aimed at developing muscle mass, strengthening joints, and overall performance. Dumbbells are solid and collapsible. With the help of dumbbells, you can train almost all the muscles of your body. They are used in both basic and isolating exercises. It is a small compact inventory that you can easily take with you while moving.

The second division of fitness equipment that is already available for purchase at Domesca is equipment based on additional resistance. This group includes expanders, elastic bands, fitness elastic bands, rubber loops, and isotonic rings. The load is provided by additional resistance (most often rubber), and the greater the rigidity of the rubber, the greater the load. A fitness band is an expander in the form of a latex ring with a small diameter of 25-30 cm. It is worn on the arms, thighs, or calves to create additional resistance. Fitness bands have become wildly popular lately at Domesca: they are effective for muscle tone and are very convenient to use. Fitness bands are especially useful for exercises on the hips and buttocks. Such inventory does not take up much space and it is convenient to take it with you. In addition, exercises with expanders and elastic bands are less traumatic than with additional weight.  

The tubular expander is a latex rubber tube with two handles at the ends. It is used in strength training to strengthen and develop muscles. The tubular expander is considered a good alternative to dumbbells in strength training, so there are several reasons why you should buy it at Domesca. Firstly, exercises with an expander are less traumatic, since the load is distributed over the entire range of motion. Secondly, the expander is light and compact, you can always take it with you on a trip. If you plan to do strength training, then it is better to buy a whole set of expanders. Usually, such a set also includes a leg strap and a holder for the door, respectively, you can perform even more different exercises with an expander. Rubber loops are suitable for strength training and for working on muscles. In their purpose, rubber loops are similar to tubular expanders, but the loops have more elastic rubber, which means higher resistance.

And the third group is inventory that can be used as support. These include fitball, step platforms, rugs, sports benches, and others. The step platform is a 10-25 cm high delivery with a special coating to improve contact. The step platform is used to perform exercises aimed at losing weight and rehabilitating the knees. Step platforms also allow you to diversify fitness exercises. For example, on the platform, you can perform lunges, squats on one leg, planks, and push-ups. When choosing such a device in our online store, you need to pay attention to the width of the platform. It should be no shorter than 80 cm (feet shoulder-width apart). Platforms are made of different quality plastic. More expensive plastic has better shock-absorbing properties than budget ones. Basically, this category of equipment is used for support, complicating or modifying exercises, and for developing balance and coordination. 

The most popular inventory of the third group of exercise equipment is a rug. A mat or rug is essential both when training in the gyms and while exercising at home. On the mat, it is convenient to do exercises on the press, as well as stretching. Most often, fitness mats are made from polyethylene foam, a combination of PVC and rubber. These models are very light and have a non-slip surface, which is so important for playing sports. A fitball is a large rubber ball with a diameter of 45-85 cm. A fitball is designed to strengthen the muscles of the abdomen, back, lower back, and buttocks, as well as to develop stabilization muscles and improve posture. Also, a fitball can replace a bench for you in some strength exercises that are performed lying down. We have ordinary fitballs that do not have additional handles.  Such models are suitable for those who have already learned to keep their balance and perform various exercises without any problems. There are variants with small spikes that additionally create a massage effect.

You can train at home without special equipment, but sooner or later you will get bored with the monotony of exercises, and your body will begin to get used to the same load. So, if sport has already become an important part of your life, try something new. To achieve the perfect body will help sports equipment. With it, you will achieve the body of your dreams much faster. Seriously tuned in, you can start the process of choosing sport elements. Various fitness and exercise equipment at Domesca will allow you to significantly expand your training program. When starting to train at home, many are not sure which equipment should be bought first, and whether it is worth it at all. Dumbbells, elastic bands, exercise simulators - how to choose from a variety of options? With all of the questions, our specialists will be happy to help you, and they are ready to answer as quickly as possible.